
Mostrando entradas de 2018

Mount lacie storage in ubuntu through command line

I have been trying to mount a folder share in a storage device called: LaCie 5Big Network 2. You need to install basic NFS software first with: sudo apt-get install nfs-common In the LaCie device create a share, por example "FolderShared1". Click on the button "protocols" to see if NFS is enabled. Set it up to public in case you want to access it without user and password. Create a folder that will be used as mounting point: mkdir /home/your_username/LacieMount Let's say the ip address of your LaCie device is To mount it use: sudo mount /home/your_username/LacieMount That is all. Was this useful for you? Contact me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bsaldivar/ https://www.facebook.com/bsaldivaremc2/

Install php7.0 in apache2 ubuntu 16.0

I tried to install php with apache by default. It didn't work. After installing "everything" php was seen as a text file. So apparently there is one additional package that needs to be installed. So, the right way to install is sudo apt-get install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php7.0 The first two will install the latest versions (At the time I am writing this post the latest version for php was 7.0)

Ubuntu spanish keyboard wrong layout

It has just happened to me that suddenly the keyboard lost its setup. The keyboard has in  a button the 6 and &, symbols, but with this issue the /  character was printed instead. In addition, the ^  character in the right, using AltGr  didn't appear. Additional keys were missing and others in other settings. To solve this state the following command is the key: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration In the options I selected the standard 104 keyboard, and included dead tilde. This is your path.