Check the information you leave while browsing the internet
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Check the information you leave while browsing the internet. Here I show you some of the variables that your device sends every time you visit a website:
In this publication will be present the steps to install Xencenter on Linux. Software used: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (To see this use the comand lsb_release -a ) PlayOnLinux 4.2.10 XenCenter version 6.5 (build 32-bit As may be seen the way to do it is by using playonlinux, for which the way to install it is: sudo apt-get install playonlinux Once installed playonlinux, select Install, Install a non-listed program, after this select Install a program in a new Virtual Drive. When you be asked What would you like to do before installation , select the three checkboxes. When you be asked to configure a version of wine to use, you can choose 1.7.37 or 1.9.17 (Tested). In the popped up windows for wine configuration check that the Windows version box is set on Windows XP. Select a 32-bit installation. In the component installation select the following components (They appear in that order): POL_install_dotnet40 POL_Install_ie8 POL_Install_tahoma2 During the n...
Hello everyone, here is some code intended to help you monitor any node of your network using ICMP (ping), but, with a some help, you could load the hosts to test from a MySQL database and register the state of it on the same database. First Create a database and a table with some fields like an ID , a Description for the node (Just to have a human identification), the HostName or IP Address , and the State (This could have an UP or DOWN state) CREATE DATABASE MysqlDatabase; use MysqlDatabase; CREATE TABLE `MysqlTable` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `Description` VARCHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL , `MysqlHostColumn` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL , `MysqlStateColumn` VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ); And insert some IP addresses or hostnames with some description for them: INSERT INTO `MysqlTable` (`Description`, `MysqlHostColumn`, `MysqlStateColumn`) VALUES ('Gateway', '', 'DOWN'); INSERT INTO `MysqlTable` (`Description`, `MysqlHostC...
This post provides two scripts based on the shell of linux to export basic network information of your XenServer's virtual machines (VMs) , this will include the VM 's name, the device number, the MAC address and the network name of all the virtual interfaces (VIFs) of every VM of your pool, it has to be known that this software only works fine when the name of you VM s and the name of your networks have no spaces in between neither leading spaces, so rename this paramenters before using the scripts. Why should you like to save this information? In the following scenario: There are 2 sites in your company, one of them are the principal one, there you have provisioned VM 's with DHCP reserved to their MAC addresses, the alternate site is a recovery site, where you have to make work your VMs if the main site fails, as a requirement you have to have: Repplication LUNs from one site to the other, the VM 's disks have to be in a shared Storage Repository (SR) , the ...
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